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Introductory offer for TQ12 and TQ13 residents!

Introductory offer for TQ12 and TQ13 residents!

20% off your first treatment at Dartmoor Massage

You may have noticed that I have recently extended my business opening hours – exciting stuff.

This getting-to-know-you offer is especially for those of you in the area around Bovey Tracey – hopefully a nice way to try out what I do, get that treatment you’ve been putting off for a while or just an excuse to be pampered.

All you have to do is book a treatment with me and quote offer code DANGERMOUSE. You can book by contacting me via 07806 569 130 /

This offer can be used on any treatment type, any time – including call-out visits. Valid on your first treatment only; not valid on gift vouchers.


Easter Treats!

Easter Treats!

Happy Easter! (almost) Happy Spring! Happy season of bunnies jumping out of eggs, of egg painting, chocolate egg eating, and of throwing raw eggs at each other (this is an actual thing my in-laws do, apparently it’s “festive”). My friend Monika tells me that, in her native Slovakia, at Easter it is traditional for men to douse young women in cold water and then spank them, which is not something I endorse but each to their own I guess.

However you chose to celebrate the spring festival it is a time of renewal and rejuvenation as the world comes back to life after winter, and probably a more sensible time for a “new year’s resolution” than the 31st December. I’m not going to pledge anything new but it’s a good time to check in on those resolutions we made nearly 3 months ago and see how we’re doing.

My parents had a joint resolution of running their local Parkrun in Hereford, a relatively flat but very exposed route around the race course. At this point they have both run it a number of times, building up slowly at first, and now, rather irritatingly, my dad’s PB is similar to my own parkrun PB. Yes, he’s 63 and new to running, but the Bovey parkrun is like, SO much hillier. And just tougher. Generally. Probably. So good on them. My resolution (other than passing that driving test…goodbye tatty, scratched, ancient provisional licence) was to do a 10k in a time pertaining to my pre-pregnancy best and although I will take most of the year to do this, I managed my first 10k run since pre-pregnancy, last weekend. It was slow, it was hard, but it felt like a huge achievement. I have also managed my first 5 mile Dartmoor run (Hay Tor to Buckland Beacon and back) and my first “fast” 5k. I didn’t time any of them, nor set myself a target pace, I just enjoyed them. I don’t want to feel stressed nor put pressure on myself, but as I said in my new year blog post, I want to feel inspired and invigorated by the challenge, and I do!

I also feel inspired to train in pregnancy massage. I can safely treat someone who is pregnant (there are caveats) but I would like to have the skill to treat specific ailments. I know how much the body changes during pregnancy and childbirth and while I am confident treating post-natal women (and exhausted new fathers!) I would like to be able to offer something extra. I often think “what would I want now,” and its these areas I wish to investigate. Watch this space.

The other new start in my life is my full time devotion to Dartmoor Massage. I’m increasing the opening hours of my home clinic to include two full days – Tuesday and Thursday. I’ll still be around in the evenings and the weekend but I’ll be focusing on these two days and when I’m not treating I will be using the time to study more, develop myself professionally, and garner new skills. I’m excited about having more time to immerse myself in the business and am so grateful that the business I’ve had so far has given me the opportunity to do this, so thank YOU!

Exciting times ahead!


L plates off and trainers on!

L plates off and trainers on!

Why Run? Part 3

It’s been a while since I posted anything, hasn’t it? Sorry about that. I was between colds and decided to go for a run instead. Now I’m back sneezing again (thank you, darling daughter) I thought I should take the time to jot down a few more thoughts on why running is so great.

Last week I passed my driving test (Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a BIG event as I have a pathological fear of men with clipboards) and afterwards I went for a run with my amazing driving instructor, Jinni King. This isn’t as weird as it sounds as we’re good friends and are running the Exeter 10k together in a few weeks. We did some interval training, chattering and laughing our way around 3 miles, and it struck me what a special time a run can be. On this occasion it was social time between two friends, but on other occasions I have really appreciated the quiet time to be in my own head.

Running time (or gym, or yoga or whatever) is special time for you to do something specifically for you. I love the feeling of freedom running brings. I love feeling the wind on my face and the opportunity to go, quite literally, off the beaten track. I love being outside in the fresh air, and being able to stretch my legs out. It’s amazing in spring and summer when everything is coming to life,  and luckily, I love running in winter when it’s cold, wet, and I feel like a frickin’ superhero, splashing through the mud, relishing rain, grime, and sweat. A hot shower after a winning run in the cold is one of the greatest pleasures in life.

But away from the life affirming re-connection with nature blah blah, the “special time” aspect is incredibly important. There are few things in life that you can control, but if you work hard and train carefully then your running (swimming/yoga etc) WILL improve. YOU will see the difference depending on the effort YOU put in. You don’t need input from anyone else to do this, you don’t have to rely on anyone and nobody has to rely on you. You put in the work, and you will reap the benefits. There aren’t many things in life where that is true, but fitness is one of them.

Being selfish or self centered may not be good qualities in a person, but I encourage you to indulge in them when on your run. Focus on yourself, push yourself, give yourself a break, whatever it takes. Take the time to listen to your music, the stuff that everyone else in the house hates, or catch up on a podcast, or just have some time alone with your own thoughts. OR treat it as quality time with the greatest driving instructor in Devon.

Or run in a group! My mother in law swears by her group for improving her running, and she’s made some brilliant friends in the process. Go for a gentle jog so you can chat, or do lung busting fartleks (snigger) cheering each other on, encouraging and inspiring each other. Or yeah, just a chat and a post run coffee. In fact try your local Parkrun with a friend. If you like hills then I recommend the one at Parke in Bovey Tracey.  If you don’t like hills then I recommend you look elsewhere. The important bit is your workout is YOUR time for YOU so indulge yourself this week and work up that sweat.

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