Easter Treats!

Easter Treats!

Happy Easter! (almost) Happy Spring! Happy season of bunnies jumping out of eggs, of egg painting, chocolate egg eating, and of throwing raw eggs at each other (this is an actual thing my in-laws do, apparently it’s “festive”). My friend Monika tells me that, in her...
L plates off and trainers on!

L plates off and trainers on!

Why Run? Part 3 It’s been a while since I posted anything, hasn’t it? Sorry about that. I was between colds and decided to go for a run instead. Now I’m back sneezing again (thank you, darling daughter) I thought I should take the time to jot down a few more thoughts...
Why Run? Part two

Why Run? Part two

Because it’s so freaking good for you! Physically, mentally, and emotionally it is good for you. Weight bearing exercise is fantastic for bone strength as bone responds to load by increasing in density, and strong bones are vital as we get older. The National...

Why Run? Part one.

There are so many reasons that I am going to have to do this in parts. Part one is the most important: Because it feels fantastic. No it doesn’t? Yes, it does. Ok, at first it doesn’t. It’s hard. Your legs feel heavy, your lungs are wheezing, you may have a stich, and...